Top 10 wrestlers
1. The Undertaker
2. The Hurricane
3. Eddie Guerrero
4. Hbk
5. Stone Cold
6. Kurt Angle
7. HBK
8. Bill Goldberg
9. Brock Lesnar
10. AJ Styles
Top 5 Games
1. Halo 2
2. Dead or Alive 3
3. Burnout 3
4. WWE Wrestlemania 21
5. Fable
Top 6 wrestling moves
1. F-5
2. Eddie Guerrero Frog Splash
3. Air Raid Siren (I think its cald the Emerald Frosionside slam or Something close to
4. Vertebreaker(banned)
5. Bret Hart Sharpshooter
6. Pedigree
Top 10 matches
1. Chris Benoit & Y2J vs The Dudleyz vs The Hardyz vs Edge and Christian (TLC on Smackdown 5/24/01)
2. Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle (Wm 19)
3. Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian vs The Dudley Boyz (TLC 2 at WWF Wrestlemania 17)
4. The Dudleyz vs The Hardyz vs Edge and Christian (Triangle Ladder MAtch on WWF Wrestlemania
5. Bret Hart vs HBK (60 minute iron man match Wm 12)
6. AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe vs Christopher Daniels for the NWA TNA X Division Title
7.HHH vs HBK vs Chris Benoit(Wm 20)
8.Shelton Benjamin vs HBK (April or March the goldrush tournament 2005)
9.Brock Lesnar vs Big show (6/12/03 on Smackdown. the ring broke when brock lesnar superplexed the
big show. HOLY S***)
10. The Undertaker vs Kane(Wrestlemania 20)
Top 5 Tag Teams
1. Legion of Doom (Present, LOD 2000 with Droz and the classic one with Hawk)
2. Hardy Boyz
3. APA
4. Edge and Christian
5. The Superheroes Hurricane and Rosey