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RI.P. Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005 You will be missed

RI.P. Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005 You will be missed
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One of the greatest died on Nov 13 2005


A more detailed bio of Eddie Guerrero.
There is little doubt that Eddie Guerrero was destined to be a wrestler almost before he was born. His father, Gory Guerrero was a founding father of Lucha Libre (Mexican pro wrestling), a legendary wrestling trainer, a pioneer figure in Mexico, and perhaps, pound for pound, the best pro wrestler in Mexican history over the course of his 30-year career.
"Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero came a long way before becoming a WWE Superstar. Was trained with his family, the legendary Guerrero family. His father, Gory, wrestled with El Santo in Mexico, who is like Hogan in America.

Eddie broke into wrestling in the late 80s wrestling for independents and going international. Wrestled as the "Black Tiger" in Japan, and as "Mascara Magica" in
Mexico. Guerrero and Chris Benoit would usually tour Japan and Mexico together, and these guys today are the very best in the business. Teamed with Art Barr, where both of them came up with the frog splash. But Barr died soon cause of drugs, and Guerrero dedicated his career to him, and uses the frog splash as a tribute.

Eddie went to ECW were he wrestled with and against Dean Malenko, the matches are now referred as the Malenko-Guerrero Classics. Soon WCW signed Guerrero, Malenko, and Benoit in late 1995.

He arrived in WCW as a face, really didn't do much, other than carrying other wrestlers to good or even great matches. He won the WCW United States title in late 1996; wrestling Syxx in a great ladder match at the first Souled Out. Eddie kept the belt until losing to Malenko in another technical classic in March of 1997 at Uncensored 97.

Thereafter, didn't really do much for a couple of months until he became a full-fledge heel/rudo, completely dominating the cruiserweight division. He then wrestled with Rey Mysterio Jr. at Hallowen Havoc 97, in what would go down as the best match Guerrero and Mysterio had ever been, up to that point. The match was a ***** classic, with innovating spots, great wrestling; the match going down in history as one of the greatest matches of all time. Again he feuded with Mysterio for a short time, but really didn't do much because of WCW politics.

Finally in the Summer of 98, he started a gimmick with other hispanic wrestlers. Guerrero and his faction called themselves "Latino World Order", it worked for a while, but a this point Guerrero was really hooked into drugs. On New Years Day 1999, Eddie was in a terrible car accident. He broke ribs and damaged organs (especially the liver). Doctors didn't think he was going to make it: But he came back in 7 months and started a gimmick with Malenko, and Saturn, know as the the Revolution. Soon thereafter, Malenko, Guerrero, Benoit, and Saturn ask for their release from WCW.

As a result all four guys went to WWE, and they were dubbed the Radicalz. They were an instant success, their debut was memorable with all 4 guys hitting their moves on the New Age Outlaws. When Guerrero went to hit his frog splash,
dislocated his elbow, and was out for 6 weeks.

Even though he was injured, he still got to build his character on tv. He became a stereotypical hispanic guy, who was overtop intense and funny. He instantly got over with the crowd. Then they paired him up with Chyna, and he won the European title. Guerrero was now one of the most popular guys on tv.

He eventually ended up on Smackdown, becoming the first WWE United States Champion, and tagging with his nephew Chavo; winning the WWE Tag Titles numerous times.

2004 was Eddie Guerrero's year. Eddie won the second Royal Rumble of the year, earning a WWE Championship Match at no Way Out, facing Brock Lesnar. In a 30-minute titanic battle, Eddie won with a tornado DDT to the belt, and then his famous Frog Splash. At Wrestlemania XX, with Kurt Angle in great form, Eddie defeated the olympic champion after a brilliant match. 
At No Way Out  February, Eddie teamed with Rey Mysterio Jr. to defeat the Basham Brothers to win the WWE tag team titles. However due to some miscommunication and with Chavo Guerrero fanning the flames of controversy, the team of Guerrero/Mysterio seemed doomed from the start.

Rey and Eddie battled at Wrestlemania 21 with Mysterio coming out victorious. Although they shook hands after the bout, the problems between Rey and Eddie continued in the weeks after. Things certainly did not improve when Mysterio/Guerrero lost the tag team titles to MNM and during a rematch in England, Eddie walked out on Rey.

Attacking Mysterio a week later, Eddie turned heel and turned his back on his former partner. After Rey got a victory over Eddie, albeit by disqualification, at Judgement Day and then again on the June 23rd edition of Smackdown, Eddie became even angrier and more obsessed with getting revenge for the losses.

Soon the vendetta between Eddie and Rey became personal. Eddie approached Rey's son, Dominic, threatening to reveal a "secret" that would destroy Rey Mysterio. Eddie began to hold that secret over Rey's head, even when his own family begged him to let it go.

Eddie faced Rey at The Great American Bash saying that he would forget about the secret if Rey could defeat him one more time. Rey came out victorious, only to have Eddie reveal the secret (that he was Dominic's father) anyways. After social workers became involved, Rey met and defeated Eddie at Summerslam a ladder match for custody of Dominic. Undaunted Eddie would finally defeat Rey in a cage match on Smackdown in September.

Undaunted Eddie would finally defeat Rey in a cage match on Smackdown in September and was named the number one contender to Batista's World Championship. Rather than feud with Batista, Eddie decided to befriend the champion and even teamed with him on occassion.

Batista got the better of Eddie at No Mercy but Eddie remained close to Batista, perhaps all the better to get into position to once again meet (and this time defeat) Batista.

Whether or not Guerrero would have defeated Batista will never be known. The entire wrestling world was stunned to learn that, on the morning of Sunday, November 13, 2005, Guerrero was found dead in his hotel room in Minneapolis. He was 38 years old.

R.I.P Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005



Eddie Guerrero Quick Bio

Name: Eddie Guerrero
Height: 5 foot 8
Weight: 220 pounds
From: El Paso, Texas
Finishing Move: Frog Splash; Lasso from El Paso
Career Highlights: WWE World Heavyweight Title (defeated Brock Lesnar at No Way Out on February 15, 2004); WWE Tag Team Titles (3 times); WWE Intercontinental title (2 times); WWE United States Title (defeated Chris Benoit in tournament final at Vengeance 2003);  WWE European Title (2 times); WCW United States Title, WCW Cruiserweight Title, ECW Television Title (2 times)

Some Facts on Eddie

1. Son of the great Gory Guerrero

2. Has a DVD dedicated to him known as Cheating Death, Stealing Life: The Eddie Guerrero Story.

3. The first man to hold the WWE United States Championship and the WWE Tag Team Championship at the same time time. Total Number of WWE titles held: WWE Tag Team Champion (3), WWE Intercontinental Champion (2), WWE European Champion (2), WWE United States Champion, WWE Champion

4. Came into the then WWF with Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, and Chris Benoit as The Radicals

5. Formely managed by Chyna

6. Ex member of the Filthy Animals, along with Konnan, Rey Mysterio, and Torrie Wilson.

7. Won the second 2004 Royal Rumble by elminating Kurt Angle.

8. Is the first male ever to make the cover of "Lowrider" magazine.

9. Comes from the legendary Guerrero family.

10. Once dislocated his elbow by doing the frog splash.

11. Invented the tornado DDT.

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