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RI.P. Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005 You will be missed
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The Undertaker
WWE Wrestlemania 21
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Fast Facts
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WWE Wrestlemania 21 CAWs and CAB
WWE Smackdown vs Raw CAWs
WWE Day of Reckoning 2
The Hurricane
Current WWE Champions

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-The Rock is one his few relatives to be a wrestler in the WWE; Rosie, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, his dad, Rikishi, Afa, and Yokozuna.
-Hardcor Holly used to be a professional NASCAR driver.
-Dave Batista is a former proffesional body builder.
-Dave Batista collects lunch boxes.
-Dave Batista has a violent side, but he knows how to control it now.
-Dave Batista was a mischevious kid. At the age 13 he did drugs, stole bikes, stole cars and he also drinks.
-Believe it or not John Cena is a Full Blooded Italian.
-Many Undertaker fans hated his American badass Gimmick.
-The Hurricane was a stunt double for Dave Arquette in the movie Ready to Rumble.
-The Undertaker had his eye socket crushed when Kamala gave him a Banzai drop.
-Stacy Keibler's legs are 41 inches long.
-Andre The Giant is the largest wrestler to ever wrestle.
-Giant Gonzales is the tallest wrestler to ever wrestle.
-Bill Goldberg used to play for the Tennesse Titans.
-Jon Heidenreich was an Offensive linesman for Washington Redskins, New Orleans Saints, and Atlanta Falcons.
-Jon Heidenreich was frequentle ejected in NFL games because he was to rough.
-Kane was born in Madrid, Spain.
-Hardcore Holly was a welder before he was in the WWE.
-Steven Richards was a 21 time Harcore Champion.
-Back in the 1980's Hulk Hogans opponents were banned from mentioning his hairlines in interviews and were also told no to make mentions of his baldness as well.
-Brock Lesnar is former world champion body builder.
-Brock Lesnars Wrestlemania 19 match vd Kurt Angle is considered to be one of the most memeroble matches of all time.(Kurt Angle wasnt suppose to wrestle becuause of his neck. Brock won the match with a cuncussion when he missed the shooting star pressed and landed awkwardly on his head.)
-Due to his Southern accent and limited speaking skills, Kane barely spoke during his first few years in the WWF and whenever he did, he used a synthesizer that changed his voice. Now his speaking skills has improved.
-Is the brother-in-law of WWE wrestler Edge(Adam Copeland). Edge married his Allanah.
-Ric Flair has flabs.
-Ric Flair has been wrestling since 1972.
-The Big Show used to be a heavy smoker.
-WCW promoted the Big Show as "The lost son of Andre the Giant"
-Rey Mysterio used to be crossed eyed.
-Stone Cold was named RAW superstar of the decade. (Fughettabout The Rock)
-Sone Cold wears the Chain Brian Pillman gave to him to this day.(R.I.P brian pillman.
-Torrie Wilson is married to Billy Kidman.
-Torrie Wilson, Sable, Chyna, and Christie Hemme posed for playboy.
-TNA wrestler Sharkboy sued Paramount pictures with the use of the name sharkboy in the movie the adventures of sharkboy and lava girl.(He says the movie is a desgrace to the sharboy name. He one the case.)
-Seventy wrestlers , under the age of 45 , have died between 1997 and 2004.
-Everyone works and is on the road 250 days a year.
-HHH is loosing his muscle mass due to him having little time to worl out. (Huhhhhh a flabby HHH)
-Most wrestlers do not eat right while traveling.
-Some wrestlers are loners.
-Some are out there as eye-candy for the fans. ( MAybe Cena is out there just for eye candy.)
-Steve Austin was a big coffee drinker, until he had a panic attack before an event...saying he almost blew his heart out..so that was when he became a beer drinker. He is now having a regular guy light beer produced with his name on it "Stone-Cold Beer."
-Matt Hardy prefers a window seat on an airplane
-Randy Orton this year wants to have less romantic encounters a day.
-Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo are not gay. The wedding think was a joke.
-Garrison Cade has the hardest punch.
-GOLDDUST: won an auction for a priceless.
-HBK is getting bald.
-EDGE: Has two superstitions: wears the same socks always when he wrestles..dries them out at night...then wears them again..and always has to wear some kind of chain around his neck....shades he wears are called Black Flys.
-RHYNO: when at loose ends..goes to Edge's Home for a home cooked meal and homebaked cookies. Rhyno took Edge's place as Benoit tag team partner due to Edge's injuries and will remain so until Edge's comeback.
-Kurt Angle's wife is a former stripper
-Glen Jacobs (better known to the wrestling world as Kane) has degrees in English and Teaching
-Sgt. Slaughter's character was portrayed in the cartoon G.I. JOE.
--Bill Goldberg, Raven, DDP, Dean Malenko, and Barry Horowitz are Jewish.
-The Big Show weighed 105 pounds when he was 6 years old
-The movie parody of "When Harry met Sally." Christy asks Kurt Angle to pass the SALT and he hands her the PEPPER and she uses it instead.
-If any one Superstar symbolizes WWE, it's the Undertaker.
-Rey Mysterio like's to go Cliff diving for fun.
-Randy Orton likes Chinese food.
-Chris is Winnipeg's most well-known celebrity
-Kane owns a gym.
-Steve Austin noticed the hurricane's green lantern tattoo and told him he could become a superhero and thats how the hurricane was born. ( Good Move)
-Kane will star in a horror movie.
Kane will be an insane killer in a movie titled "Goodnight" (It was originally called Eye Scream Man.
-Edge and matt hardy are not good friends in real life.
-Off camera, Copeland is humorous, thoughtful and eloquent. On TV, well, he's Edge, a man possessed by the obsession to win the heavyweight championship ... a man with no friends.
-A recent Edge quote:
On cutting his hair: I'd actually like to get my hair cut, I'm sick of it! If it was up to me it would be short right now.'
-Eddie enjoys slapstick type of comedy and video games.
-Eddie was required 16 stitches to close the deep gash in his forehead and doctors even recommended he get a blood transfusion. Eddie said no, and left the hospital that night. He suffered that from judgement day.
-Chris Jericho is Winnipeg's most well-known
-In 2001 Chris Jericho became the first-ever WWE undisputed champion.
-Booker T has a shop named Jam Zones where he sells video games, music albums and more.
-Booker T is opening a chain of breakdancing schools for teenagers.
-RVD was suspended from school once for doing a back-flip off the top of the school's roof......got in trouble for practing some of his moves on his teachers.....wanted to become a wrestler early in high school.  
-Big Show's boot size is 22 / 5E
-Road Dogg fought in Desert Storm.
-Mark Henry has set several world weight-lifting records and competed in 1996 Olympics in Atlanta.
-The Shawn Michaels-Bret Hart "Ironman Match" at Wrestle Mania XII lasted 61:52.
-When Shawn Michaels was attacked outside of a Syracuse nightclub by approximately 10 thugs (actually it was by a marine group), Shawn was accompanied by Davey Boy Smith and X-Pac. They beat up Shawn while the others held Davey Boy and X-Pac back.
-In 1994, WCW used to hire paid models and actors to sit in the audience to cheer and boo their wrestlers because the audience was usually dead for their shows.
-Kevin Nash was "Super Shredder" in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 movie.

Catering check per show
350lbs of chicken breast
1200-1400 bottles of water
100-150 gallons of coffee
150 lbs of pasta
750 rolls
350 lbs of fruits and vegetables
Mick Foley's Injury List
- 6 concussions
- 1 broken jaw
- 2 broken noses
- 3 broken cheekbone
- lost 4 teeth
- 2 thirds of his ear ripped off
- 1 seperated shoulder
- 1 fracture left shoulder
- 1 dislocated shoulder
- second degree burn on his shoulder
- 54 stitches on his left arm
- 1 broken wrist
- bone chips in his right elbow
- 6 broken ribs
- a torn abdominal muscle
- a torn ACL
- a broken toe
- over 300 stitches on his arms, head, cheek, lip, ear, shin and eye brows
- over 1000 thumb tack holes
- broken left thumb

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